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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Ranjit Singha, PhD Rese...iD 0000-0002-3541-8752

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT The new beginning of India's education sector is the National Education Policy 2020. On 29 July 2020, India's Union Cabinet introduced the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020). PESTLE analysis was conducted in this study; Corruption and politics have been found to dominate; We've learned many stories from private university students that they don't receive their semester credentials immediately; they only get them after the conclusion of the course. This research had primarily focused on the concept of TOC Transfer of Credit is a reasonable one, but if the student does not have a Semester Mark Card, how will he or she be able to transfer the credit. We also heard the accounts of many students whose original marks the present college/university has already taken the card, the certificate of class 10, 10+2 in the name of record authentication. They have not returned the certificates before and until they finish the course, there shall be some provision to prevent such practice, whereby College, university has the autonomy to issue scorecards, marks cards or convection whenever they want, there has to be stick policy so that students get their documents in time. It looks like the University; the college has been using the gap that exists in the system This research also highlighted that for migration certificates, transfer certificate also obliges parents, and students to pay huge money in the name of such requirements It also recommended that there is no need for any further Migration Certificates or Transfer certificates of any kind, So at this moment advised that NEP2020 should do something about it The NEP2020 should deformulate about mentioning anything to do with the character because the certificate shall not be there in the marks card. This research further advised that in the NEP 2020, they should insert a provision where there shall not be any marks for the conduct, and it has been reported very abusively India is a land of Unity and Diversity; integrating Diversity is the key. However, politicians focused the bringing Diversity to the vote bank politics Mobility of the teacher amid COVID 19 is a challenge; the politics of transfer will play a role in the future education and existence of teachers in the society The politics within the teacher, School college, University with the present economic circumstance and amid COVID-19, will drastically termite the roots of India's education, the whole culture of research and innovation gets amalgamated with the waste of energy in the politics, and that's where most intelligent people could not come with better innovation, because there mind is more engaged with the politics of the time, refraining from such activity will help the school, college, university and the total education system of India. KEYWORDS: National Educational Policy 2020


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