**Materials for each study**
Many Labs 2 bundled many studies together and administered them back-to-back. This component contains study materials for each individual study (if you want to full script as it was administered, go to the [Codebooks and Study Files][1] component).
Each sub-component here is for a single study included in the ML2 script. For each study there are a few types of files:
1. Materials obtained from the original paper that were used to create the ML2 replication version. (Often contained in a Word document named *studyX.original.materials.docx*). These are unmodified from the original implementation.
2. A Word document with the Many Labs 2 implementation, modified in consultation with original authors to be suitable (named *studyX.ml2.materials.docx*, or *studyX.translation.ENGLISH* if there were additional instructions for teams translating the study).
[1]: https://osf.io/iumfx/