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Effects of nasally applied oxytocin on pain perception and processing
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Category: Project
Description: This placebo-controlled, double blind, cross-over trial performed with 36 healthy volunteers has been published as: Zunhammer M, Geis S, Busch V, Greenlee MW, Eichhammer P (2014) Effects of intranasal oxytocin on thermal pain in healthy men: a randomized functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Psychosom Med 77: 156–166. doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000000142. The trial has been registered as a Phase I trial in the EU Clinical Trials Register under EUDRA-CT: 2009-015115-40. However, since the EU Clinical Trials Register does not publish Phase I trials, this re-registration was necessary to make the original trial protocol publicly available.
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