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**SQLite Database** - contains 10 tables with all metadata, raw and extracted data, and a table with author affiliations - definitions of all tables are below - can be viewed with any SLite manager, e.g., [][1] (online viewer), SQLiteStudio (freely available online or from: [][2]) - before using the database we **FIRST** redommend **SEE**ing the **paper METHODS** for details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions can be directed to: Martin Bulla (****) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN USING THIS DATA, **PLEASE CITE**, along with the original paper: Bulla et al (2016). Supporting infromation for 'Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds'. Open Science Framework. Retrieved: ADD DATETIME. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLES - definition: INCUBATION_BOUTS - contains starts and ends of 34,225 incubation bouts from 729 nests from 92 populations of 32 shorebird species. Missing values are NA. 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's common English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. method: monitoring method (BAS - light logger measuring relative light intensity, Intigeo - light logger measuring absolute light intensity, RFID - radio frequency identification system, TT - TinyTag temperature probe, MSR - MSR temperature probe, UvA - University of Amsterdam GPS tag, IT - automated receivers recording signal from radio tag, observ - continuous observation, video - continuous video recording) 5. sampling: average sampling interval of incubation behaviior in minutes 6. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest see pk_nest or paste together breeding_site, year, nest, nn) 7. nn: nesting attempt (0 - unknown, 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third) 8. tag: unique identity of the logger/tag (if any) a bird was carrying 9. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird (if known) 10. sex: sex of the bird if known (f = female, m = male), otherwise (u and w where u refers to the bird that was tagged, w to the bird that was inferred) 11. lat: latitude of the nest location (decimal) 12. lon: longitude of the nest location (decimal) 13. sure: is the assignment of the bout certain (y) or not (n) 14. n_ass: is the night exchange assumed (y) or not (n) 15. datetime_on: date and time when the bird started incubation bout 16. datetime_off: date and time when the bird ended incubation bout 18. pk_nest: unique identity of the nest created by pasting together sp, breeding_site, year, nest, nn 19. act_ID: unique identity of the actogram (from Supplementary Actograms) containing the given data; also, links to the respective raw data (if name consists of 'rfid' then the data are in 'rfid' table, if 'video' or 'observation' then in 'raw_bout_based_data' and the rest in 'raw_signal_based_data'. 20. pk: primary key (unique row ID) PERIODS - contains AIC and deltaAIC values of 192 regressions fitted to the incubation time-series for each of 584 nests. The regressions with deltaAIC = 0 were used as the nest’s estimated period of the incubation rhythms. 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's common English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest paste together (breeding_site, year, nest, nn) 5. nn: nesting attempt (0 - unknown, 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third) 6. period: period (in hours) that was fitted within the periodic regression 7. aic: AIC of the periodic regression with the given period length 8. delta: delta AIC value of the periodic regression with the given period length for the given nest (that is nest-nn-year 9. n_days: number of days, with data for the given nest 10. n_lag: number of 10 min lags in the time series for the given nest escape_distance - contains estimated escape distance of the incubating bird when a human approached the nest for species of biparentally incubating shorebirds (from literature, online survey and primary data). We have used these data to calculate species median escape distance that we then used in the analyses. Missing values are NA. 1. source_: identifies where does the value of the escape distance come from: BNA - The Birds of North America Online (P. Rodewald, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Retrieved from The Birds of North America Online database:; Jan 2016. our_data - our primary field data) or obs1-obs40 (unique ID of the author of the paper that scored the escape distance 2. scinam: scientific name of the species 3. subspecies: scientific name of the subspecies (if known) or approximation by breeding site 4. app: escape distance of an incubating bird upon approach of a researcher (in m) 7. watch: is partner of the incubating parent on the watch for predators (y - yes, n -no) 8. watch_sex_specific: qualitatively describes whether watch (if "watch" = "yes") is specific to the female/male or no difference among sexes 9. remarks: comments of the survey participants birds - contains information about individual birds: where and when caught, when equipped with the monitoring equipment, type of the equipment, sex, morphometrics. Missing values are NA. 1. year 2. study_site: four letter abbreviation of the study site 3. type: was the study site at the breeding ground (breeding) or not (wintering) 4. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English common name 5. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird 6. tag: unique identity of the logger/tag a bird was carrying (if any) 7. method: inucbation monirotyr system used to monitor the bird (i.e., type of logger used on the bird): - passive transponder used for RFID based monitoring system = pit_tag - various light loggers described in the Extended Data Table 5 = ["bas","bas mk20a", "bas-mk10", "intigeo","intigeo-w65","intigeo-w65a9rk"] - radio tag used for continuous observation = radio_tag_obs - radio tag used with automated receiver - radio_tag_aut - GPS tracker from University of Amsterdam = uva; - no tag, but incubation recorded by continuous observations ["observations"] or video camer ["video"] 8. tag_mount: specifies how the logger was mounted on the bird - none = no logger used - tail = pit tag glued to the tail feathers - leg_flag = pit tag or logger mounted on the plastic flag, with which the bird was banded - leg_flag_horizontal = horizontal with the ground on the plastic flag, with which the bird was banded - leg_flag_vertical = perpedendicular with the ground on the plastic flag, with which the bird was banded - rump = radio tag glued to the rump; - harness = GPS tracker attached with a harness to the back of the bird 9. status: detailed information about the capture (NA - unavailable, n = first capture of the bird, y = recapture of the bird, n1 = first capture of the bird and logger attached, y1 = recapture of the bird and logger attached, 2 = data downloaded from the logger, 1 = logger attached, 0 = logger taken off the bird, inc = bird not caught and nesting determined through incubation recording) 10. datetime_caught: date and time when the bird was captured 11. nest: unique identity of the nest (within given year and breeding site), on which the bird was caught (if known, otherwise or if bird not-caught = NA) latitude of the capture/nest (decimal) 13. lon: longitude of the capture/nest (decimal) 14. sexing: method used to determin the sex of the bird ("genetic"; "genetic, partner based" = sex infered from the partner's sex, which was genetically determined; "plumage"=accoring to plumage color; = female, m = male); "bill" = based on bill length, "bill partner" = based on bill length of the partners,"morphometrics" = based on various morphological measurements; "behavior" = based on behavior of the birds, "copulation" = based on the position of the bird during copulation; "dfa" = discriminant function analyses; or any combination of these; NA = not sexed or unavailable) 15. total_head: length of the head from the tip of a bill to the back of a head in mm 16. culmen: length of the exposed bill in mm 17. wing: length of the wing in mm 18. tarsus: length of the tarsus in mm 19. mass: body-mass of the bird in grams 20. comments nests - contains nest location, end state, when the first egg was laid, when incubation started and ended. Missing values are "". 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest paste together (breeding_site, year, nest, nn) 5. nn: nesting attempt (0 - unknown, 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third) 6. first_egg_laid: date and time when the first egg was laid 7. incubation_start: date and time when the incubation started 8. nest_found: date and time when the nest was found 9. end_datetime: date and time when the incubation ended 10. end_state: fate of the nest (fl - fledged, h - hatched, d - deserted, p - depredated, f - failed, t - equipment taken off the nest before incubation ended, u - unknown) 11. lat: latitude coordinate of the nest location (in decimals) 12. lon: longitude coordinate of the nest location (in decimals) 13. site: was the breeding site 'known' (nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site) or estimated (individual equipped with logger on the wintering ground) study_sites - contains estimates of mean female and male wing length for each population of biparental shorebirds from a specific study site, plus the locations of the study site, whether the locations had tide, and whether the tide was used by the population for foraging, and how the incubation was monitored. 1. sp : four letter abbreviation of the species's English name 2. study_site : name of the study site 3. site_abbreviation : four letter abbreviation of the study site 4. type : was the study site at the breeding ground (breeding) or not (wintering) 5. lat : latitude of the study site (decimal) 6. lon : longitude of the study site (decimal) 7. tidal_habitat : is the study site at primarily tidal habitat (y=yes, n=no) 8. tidal_used : if the study site is at primarily tidal habitat, do the birds use it for foraging (y=yes, n=no) 9. incubation_monitoring : method used to monitor incubation (for details see the paper's Extended Data Table 4) 10. sexing_method : identifies the method used to sex individuals to estimate the mean female and male wing length 11. pop_wing_f : mean female wing length for the population 12. f_wing_N : sample size used for the female mean estimate 13. pop_wing_m : mean male wing length for the population 14. m_wing_N : sample size used for the male mean estimate 15. data_source : is the mean wing estimate based on the primary data ("our primary data") or literature (citation) species - contains common and scientific name, suborder, family, genus and tidal life history of the studied species of biparental shorebirds. 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English name 2. species: English common name of the species (in lower case) 3. scinam: scientific name of the species 4. suborder: suborder of the species 5. family: family of the species 6. genus: genust of the species 7. tidal: does the species predominantly uses a tidal environment outside its breeding ground (y = yes, n = no) 8. tidal_source: where does the information about tide come from? BNA - The Birds of North America Online (P. Rodewald, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Retrieved from The Birds of North America Online database:; JAN 2016. Cramp - Cramp, S. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic Volume III: Waders to Gulls (Oxford University Press, 1990). Brazil - Brazil, M. Birds of East Asia: Eastern China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Eastern Russia (Christohper Helm, 2009). Chandler - Chandler, R. J. Shorebirds of the Northern Hemisphere (Christopher Helm, 2009). Hayman - Hayman, P., Marchant, J. & Prater, T. 412 (Christopher Hlem Ltd-, London, 1986). 9. comments authors - contains affiliations and emails of all authors together with the species and study site, for which they have collected the data. - the variable names and their content is self-explanoatory, except for - study_site, which contains abbreviations of study sites associated with the given author (see table study_sites for full study sites names and locations) - specie, which contains abbreviation of species associated witht the given author (see table species for scientific and common names of the species) rfid - contains raw data from the radio frequency identification systems 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. t_method: temperature monitoring method (tt - nest temperature (°C) from tiny tag probe placed betwen the eggs and connected to the tiny tag logger outside the nest, msr - nest temperature (°C) from msr probe placed betwen the eggs and connected to the msr logger outside the nest where the logger measure also the surface temperature (°C), hobo - surface temperature (°C) from hobo logger placed next to the nest) 5. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest paste together (year, nest, nn) 6. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird 7. tag: unique identity of the tag, with which the bird was equipped 8. who: to whom/what the row-entry refers (f - female, m - male, hatching start - start of hatching, fieldteam - field team is working on the nest, capture - catching event, nest visit - visit of the fieldteam, stranger - a bird with our tag, but not belonging to the given nest, unknown - unknown tag, misread - unknown tag, NA - temperature entry detailed in t_method variable) 9. datetime_: date and time of the recording in local longitude-based time: utc date-time + (longitude of the nest/15)*60*60 (the part behind + adds is in seconds 10. t_surface: surface temperature (°C) from MSR or HOBO logger placed next to the nest and in the same vegetation as the nest 11. t_nest_tt: nest temperature (°C) from tiny tag probe placed betwen the eggs and connected to the tiny tag logger outside the nest 12. t_nest_msr: nest temperature (°C) from msr probe placed betwen the eggs and connected to the msr logger outside the nest 13. act_ID: unique identity of the actogram (from Supplementary Actograms) containing the given data; also, links to the respective extracted incubation data from table 'INCUBATION_BOUTS'. raw_signal_based_data - contains raw data from light, radio and gps tags 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. method: monitoring method (bas - light logger measuring relative light intensity; intigeo - light logger measuring absolute light intensity; it - automated receiver measuring signal strength from radio tag attached to the bird's rump; uva - University of Amsterdam GPS tag) 5. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest paste together (year, nest, nn) 6. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird 7. tag: unique identity of the tag, with which the bird was equipped 8. who: to whom the row-entry refers (f - female, m - male, hatching start - start of hatching) 9. datetime_: date and time of the recording in local longitude-based time: utc date-time + (longitude of the nest/15)*60*60 (the part behind + adds is in seconds 10. signal: value of the signal based on method; for 'bas' ranges from 0-64, for 'intigeo' is in lux, for 'it' is signal strength of the tag, for 'uva' distance of the bird to the nest in meters 11. act_ID: unique identity of the actogram (from Supplementary Actograms) containing the given data; also, links to the respective extracted incubation data from table 'INCUBATION_BOUTS'. raw_bout_based_data - contains all raw incubation data that are bout-based, i.e., contains start and end of unique session (incubation of female or male or no-incubation) 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. method: monitoring method (RFID - radio frequency identification system, observ - continuous observation, video - video recording) 5. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest paste together (year, nest, nn) 6. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird 7. who: identifies to whom the row-entry refers, i.e., who incubates (f = female, m = male, n = none, f? = female, but identification is uncertain, m? = male, but identification is uncertain, u - unknown, error - equipment failure, disturbance-capture/visit, equipment_on - equipment installed on the nest, equipment_off - equipment taken off the nest, observation_start - refers to the incomplete bout within which observation started, predation - bout ended because of predation) 8. datetime_on: date and time when the continuous bout of incubation/non-incubation started 9. datetime_off: date and time when the continuous bout of incubation/non-incubation ended 10. act_ID: unique identity of the actogram (from Supplementary Actograms) containing the given data; also, links to the respective extracted incubation data from table 'INCUBATION_BOUTS'. 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