**Posts with No Response: The Island of Loneliness**
This is an art project accepted by [VISAP 2023](https://visap.net/2023/) (both Artwork and Pictorial track) and [Info+ Conference 2023](https://informationplusconference.com/2023/) (Exhibition track).
The authors of this project are from Zhejiang University, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Northwestern University, and the University of Edinburg.
They are [Junxiu Tang](https://ahugh19.github.io/), [Rui Sheng](https://dylansheng.github.io/), [Yifang Wang](https://wangyifang.top/), [Xinhuan Shu](https://shuxinhuan.github.io/), Xiaojiao Chen, [Tan Tang](https://tantang.org/), and [Yingcai Wu](http://www.ycwu.org/).