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Peer interaction dynamics and L2 learning trajectories during study abroad: Longitudinal investigation using dynamic computational social network analysis
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Category: Project
Description: Using computational social network analysis (SNA), we investigated the development of the interaction network and its influence on L2 gains of a complete cohort of 41 U.S. sojourners enrolled in a 3-month intensive study-abroad Arabic program in Jordan. Unlike extant research, we focus on students’ interactions with alma mater classmates reconstructing their complete network, tracing the impact of individual students’ positions in the social graph using centrality metrics, and incorporating a developmental perspective with three measurement points. Paper reference: Paradowski, M.B., Whitby, N., Czuba, M. & Bródka, P. (2024). Peer interaction dynamics and L2 learning trajectories during study abroad: A longitudinal investigation using dynamic computational Social Network Analysis. Language Learning, 74(S2), 58–115 [Special Issue: Social Aspects in Language Learning: New Perspectives from Study Abroad Research]. DOI: