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Category: Project

Description: This project aimed to reanalyse the dataset of Röthlisberger (2018) with regard to register effects in the English dative alternation. The author-accepted-manuscript of the final publication will be found here once the embargo period of 12 months has been renegotiated with JB.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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R script for analysis

R script for the statistical analyses and generating the plots in the publication

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Data of 13171 dative constructions sampled from the ICE corpora and GloWbE. Cite as: Röthlisberger, Melanie. 2018. The dative dataset of World Engli...

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submitted, revised and accepted version of the final publication to be published in an edited volume by Elena Seoane and Douglas Biber on register var...

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