The embargo for the SMARVUS data has now ended so is freely available for reuse.
**If you are planning on using the data for published research**, note that there are ongoing existing projects at various stages, so please check and add your project to the the [Reuse Log][1] to avoid duplication.
**If you are planning on using the data for education purposes**, you do not need to complete the Reuse Log, but please email the project lead (jenny.terry@sussex.ac.uk) to let her know you're using it so she can track its impact.
The data is available in smarvus_complete_050524.csv. Note that we will also be sharing .csv files that contain the component parts of the data (due to its size), but need to resolve a technical error with the OSF first.
The codebook for the data (smarvus_codebook.csv) is applicable to all versions of the dataset and is broken down into sections corresponding to each component for ease of reference.
**Data Processing**
As well as the 'Data Processing Notes' in the codebook, a summary of all data processing applicable to the versions of the data presented here is provided (smarvus_data_processing.docx).
The linked document below contains a list of any errors, oddities, changes etc. about the data that have come to light since the data paper was published in May 2023.
Please raise any new issues with the project lead (jenny.terry@sussex.ac.uk).
[1]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cC1Iq8dyXys6rDc7j0SjV2b2DAhPILasiLRE-bG8-58/edit?gid=0#gid=0