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# **The limited place in cognitive space** #### Carl J. Hodgetts & Ulrike Hahn This repository contains experimental tasks, source code and data for the analyses conducted in Hodgetts & Hahn ( For more information, please contact: ### Contents and directory structure #### 1. /data - This folder contains the main derived data files: 1. `data-rd-similarity-matrix.csv` - pairwise similarity matrix for the transformational model 2. `data-sorting-task.csv` - classification data from the free-sorting task (percentage each item was classified with the seed). 3. `data-spaceship-similarity-matrix.csv` - pairwise similarity matrix from the human similarity ratings 4. `data-spaceship-similarity-task.csv` - raw data from the similarity rating task (see /materials/spaceship-similarity-task for stimuli and design files) 5. `data-hypercube-taskA.csv` - raw data from the hypercube similarity rating task with stimulus set A (see /materials) 6. `data-hypercube-taskB.csv` - raw data from the hypercube similarity rating task with stimulus set B (see /materials) #### 2. /code - This folder contains the code (`SimModelFits_StatsPlots.R`) required to produce the main statistical outputs and plots from the first section of the paper (i.e., the application of MDS to the free sorting task data and the transformational model predictions). - The code for the hypercube experiment can be found under the R scripts: `HyperCube_Import.R` and `HyperCube_Analysis.R`. Only the latter needs to be run. This will generate all participant matrices, clean data, and fit relevant models. #### 3. /figs - The output folder for the figures. #### 4. /materials - This folder contains the stimuli and design files for the tasks used
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