**Guide to downloading the imaging data**
The imaging dataset is hosted on Box and is linked here. It is very large, and makes downloading it quite frustrating. I apologise - using our institutional Box account is, unfortunately, a neccessity on our end.
If you want to see the files one-by-one, navigate to the project homepage (you're probably there now. The link is here: https://osf.io/2zqfu/). You'll see a preview of the dataset in the Files box on the bottom left, and there you can scroll through and see how the data are organised.
The best way to actually download the imaging data is to navigate to the Files tab (https://osf.io/2zqfu/files/box?view_only=), where you'll see one folder for each participant.
**Don't download the entire participant folder - it's too large and OSF can't handle it**
To download the data for a participant, you'll need to go into their folder and download the subfolders one-by-one (sorry).
Some of the larger folders (in particular, the EPI folders named e.g. fMRI_Block_1_0010) contain >2GB of data inside. This will lead to a time-out if you navigate inside the folder from the Files tab, and you'll eventually get the message "This folder is empty". It's not empty - download that subfolder as a zip and you will find all the EPIs inside.
**Thank you for your interest in our research.**