**Other lab manual resources**
Please find a word document of this same template that you are welcome to use and modify [here][1].
Also, a **Spanish** version is [available][2].
If you use, enjoy, or want to give feedback on this template we would love to [hear][3].
We are providing links to specific lab manuals that we found informative. These can serve as additional resources to generate your lab manual.
[Avasthi Lab manual][4]
[Aly Lab manual][5]
[Lerner Lab manual][6]
[Minda Lab manual][7]
[Tye Lab manual][8]
[1]: https://osf.io/4vfg7/
[2]: https://osf.io/dbh7r/
[3]: https://forms.gle/Cuur5KLtTTWNJpYk9
[4]: http://www.avasthilab.org/lab-policies-and-tips/
[5]: https://github.com/alylab/labmanual/blob/master/aly-lab-manual.pdf
[6]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1phmA17c_hkAfLZN1yMXtFlCYlEqXEc8izEQsfoqgdTY/edit
[7]: https://osf.io/fztua/
[8]: https://tyelab.org/philosophy/