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Semantic relatedness for a database of word pairs in Polish
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Category: Project
Description: The projects presents a well-matched database of semantically closely related, remotely related and unrelated word pairs in Polish. The materials were developed based on semantic vectors, and later tested in a rating scale study (Survey 1 and Survey 2), as well as in a reaction time study with the Lexical Decision Task. We also examined how well different semantic spaces can predict relatedness judgments as well as reaction times obtained within the project. For this purpose, we used both semantic spaces made available within the CoDeS project (Mykowiecka et al., 2017), as well as new spaces created in our project. The data set includes the items (word pairs) together with the semantic vector values, mean human ratings per item, and mean RTs per item. The procedures and findings are presented in detail in the paper: "Establishing semantic relatedness through ratings, reaction times, and semantic vectors: A database in Polish" (under review).