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**Please read to find information about the content and the structure of this repository, where to find the files you are looking for and notes on reproducibility.** *Note: Make sure to also read the file "software_requirements.txt" when aiming to reproduce the results of this project.* ### **Overview:** This repository contains all data, analysis scripts, model files and experimental software related to the article *Testing Expectations and Retrieval Practice Modulate Repetition Learning of Visuo-Spatial Arrays*. To learn more about the structure of the project and where to find what, please continue reading. ### **Structure:** The repository is structured into the four different experiments reported in the article. All information related to the experiments are inside the corresponding folders of the experiment. In general, all files are related to the overall R-project. For reproducibility reasons, we recommend to export the full project to make sure that all file paths are correctly related to each other. The current version of the **preprint** and the related **supplementary materials** can be found in the *paper* folder. #### **Where to find what?** All experiments have the same structure and contain the following subfolders: **analyses**: contains all analysis scripts, model scripts and model results. The folder itself contains different subfolders: - *models:* contains the saved brms model fits for parameters estimations - *bayes-factors* contains a saved file of the saved Bayes Factors computed for our analyses. - *functions-local:* contains local copies for the custom functions used in the analysis scripts. In the analysis scripts, custom functions are loaded from Github. **data:** contains all data files and codebooks related to the experiment. **expfiles:** contains everything related to the experimental software. All experiments were programmed using the online experiment builder lab.js. The .json files corresponds to the implementation of the experiment in lab.js and can be uploaded in the lab.js online builder. The "study-export-jatos" folder contains an exported version of the experiment which was used to host the experiment on a Jatos server. Custom javascript functions for the experiment are in the "JS-functions" folder. **plots:** contains plots created from the experimental data. **preregistration:** contains the preregistration files. ### **Data:** All data uploaded to this project was anonymized prior to upload. Thus, the uploaded raw data was already slightly processed. Processing only included exclusion of incomplete data sets and separation of experimental data and personal participant information. No personal participant information has been uploaded to this repository. We provide the R-script which we used for the initial processing to show all modifications we did to the raw data. Data is provided in a non-aggregated way. Descriptions and all codebooks for all data sets are included with the data sets. ### **Reproducibility Notes:** In general, we hope that all analyses and results reported in the paper can be reproduced from the material provided in this repository. However, please note the following details: - Functionality of scripts might depend on the software versions we used to run the analysis. Information about the environment and software versions we used for our analyses is provided in the file "software_requirements.txt". - The Bayesian analyses reported in this paper are computationally expensive. Especially the prior sensitivity analyses can run for hours or days, depending on the power of your machine. - Reported parameters and Bayes Factors are estimations which are not 100% stable. Running the analyses again might produce slightly different numbers. However, these variations should be small and not change the conclusions of our analyses in any sense. ### **Contact:** If you run into any issues with the provided scripts, are not able to reproduce results or cannot find what you are looking for, please contact me and I will try to do my best to help you out: _philipp.musfeld@psychologie.uzh.ch_
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