This is a data repository for the raw and processed images used for a 3D Digital Tissue Atlas of *Arabidopsis thaliana*.
This folder contains all files describing the 3D cellular anatomy of the **[Leaf][1]**.
The software MorphoGraphX was used to perform image analyses, and can be downloaded at the following URL :
Files provided and their formats are as follows:
Original confocal stack: .TIFF
Cellular segmentation: .TIFF
Tissue Mesh: .MGXM (MorphoGraphX format)
Tissue Mesh: .OBJ (Wavefront format)
Cellular connectivity network: .TXT (edge list using cell identity labels as node identifiers)
Cell annotations are described in the README file together with the region used for topological analyses and mis-segmented cells.
Cell annotation: .TXT (provided as integers and explained in the README file)
Cell identity annotation: .CSV (corresponding cell labels are retained in the MorphoGraphX mesh file format and TIFF segmented stack)
If you have any questions or requests please contact George Bassel: