This page gathers the supplementary materials and the data used for the study:
"Birth of the cool: a two-centuries decline in emotional expression in Anglophone fiction", by Olivier Morin & Alberto Acerbi (equal contributors), in press, *Cognition & Emotion*.
The supplementary materials are gathered in the pdf file **SuppMatCool2017.pdf**.
This file contains:
- S.M. 1: Models selection based on Akaike’s information criterion.
- S.M. 2: Emotionality and the life course in the two “small data” corpora
- S.M. 3: Success of books from the “small data” corpora on the LibraryThing website.
- S.M. 4:
- S.M. 5: Emotionality changes in Google Books corpora for European countries.
The data used for this study can also be downloaded here: **dataCool2017.xls**.