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This osf-project contains the data files of the manuscript "Seeing for speaking: semantic and lexical information provided by briefly presented, naturalistic action scenes" by Pienie Zwitserlood, Jens Bölte, Reinhild Hofmann, Claudine C. Meier, and Christian Dobel, Plos One (2018). data files - Results150ms.txt - Results100ms.txt - Results50ms.txt - ResultsPicPicControl.txt - ResultsPicWord.txt - Daten1bItem.txt - Daten1bVp.txt - DatenBildKontrolleItem.txt - DatenBildKontrolleVp.txt error files (containg a list of error participants made; see analysis file for an explanation of the error codes) - Errors150ms.txt - Errors100ms.txt - Errors50ms.txt - ErrorsPicPicControl.txt frequency data (normalized lemma frequency, [dlexDB][1]) - PrimesdlexDB.txt - TargetsdlexDB.txt - PrimesdlexDBBildBild.txt instrument (o = no instrument usw in action; 1 = instrument use in action) - Instrument.txt analysis files - Auswertung150ms.R - Auswertung100ms.R - Auswertung50ms.R - AuswertungBildBildKontrolle.R - AuswertungBildWort.R - AuswertungExp1bKontrolle.R - LME150.R - LME100.R - LME50.R - LMEBildWort.R - LMEBildBild.R A variable description is at the header of each R-file. Some R-files (AuswertungBildBildKontrolle.R und Auswertung100ms.R create new files: Daten1bVp.txt, Daten1bItem.txt, DatenBildKontrolleVp.txt and DatenBildKontrolleItem.txt) which are needed to run AuswertungExp1bKontrolle.R. [1]:
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