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This repository contains the materials, data, and data analysis code necessary to compile the manuscript "Gender impacts the relationship between mood disorder symptoms and effortful avoidance performance". The linked GitLab repository contains the materials for the avoidance task. As only one GitLab repository can be linked to an OSF project, the materials for the reward-seeking task were manually uploaded to the repository under `act-and-approach-online-master` - please see to view this task's repository. The rest of this OSF repository is structured as follows: `analysis_code` - `manuscript` - R code to conduct all data analyses (`main_script_rev1.R`) - Rmarkdown script to compile manuscript (`manuscript_rev2_clean.Rmd`). Note: in this code, for the count of analyzed participants in the undergraduate reward-seeking sample, the data of two participants that could not be accounted for in exclusions have been represented as `- 2` from the count calculated by other exclusions. - Other data analysis and cleaning scripts (called by `main_script_rev1.R`) `supplemental_material` - `OSF_supplemental.pdf` - Supplemental material with results of analyses on accuracy in avoidance and reward-seeking. - `OSF_supplemental.Rmd` - Rmarkdown script to compile supplemental materials. `raw_data` - Raw data organized by task (avoidance, reward-seeking); type (behavioural, self-report survey), and sample (undergraduate, online worker), including: - `stats_by_participant_merged.csv` - All demographic, accuracy, sensitivity, and breakpoint measures in one .csv file. - `effort_by_participant_with_data_merged.csv` - Trial-by-trial effort deployment data in one .csv file. `surveys` - Printouts of Qualtrics surveys given to participants before the study, including all questionnaires used in data analysis. `external_figures` - Contains a figure (Fig. 1) created in Adobe Illustrator and not generated in Rmarkdown.
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