## To Run
Open the RProject "AnchorBiasVerifi.Rproj" in R Studio.
## Libraries required
libraries <- c("tidyverse", "flexdashboard", "plotly", "rlist", "jsonlite", "mongolite",
"kableExtra", "heatmaply", "dendextend", "lubridate", "ggalt", "scales",
"lme4", "modelr","brms","tidybayes")
## Code
The code used is broken into five different parts, each corresponding to an .Rmd file.
| Part | Subject | | |
| ---- | --------------------------------- | ------ | --------- |
| 0 | Pre-Questionnaires |
| 1 | Data Preparation |
| 2 | Responses |
| 3 | Interaction Logs |
| 4 | Regressions |
## Data
All data collected and used for the analysis are included in the /data/ folder. The exception is we removed five columns of possibly personally identifiable information (age, student status, ethnicity, etc.) to protect the privacy of our participants.
## Experiment Materials
See the "experiment-docs" folder for task sheets (i.e., what was given to each user per condition), videos (i.e., baseline training and visual anchors per conditions), and the video scripts.