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An evidence accumulation model of perceptual discrimination with naturalistic stimuli /
Experiment Software
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Category: Software
Description: The experiment code for all three experiments was created in LiveCode's Community Edition (version 7.06). LiveCode's Community Edition is a free open source object-oriented, cross-platform, natural language rapid development environment that can be used for programming local (LiveCode) and web-based (HTML5) experiments in psychology. LiveCode is based on the Transcript programming language (a high-level xTalk scripting language like HyperCard's HyperTalk), and is a great stepping stone to learning Javascript and Python. It is fit for developing experiments that require fine-grained control, complex sequencing, and heavy back-end processing. You can download LiveCode for PC, Linux or Mac at: The experiment code for all three experiments was written by Rachel A. Searston, and correspondence can be addressed to The instructional videos for all three experiments were created and recorded in Apple's Keynote.