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Category: Communication

Description: This project links to my public talks, presentations, workshops.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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An Introduction to Machine Learning in R (Workshop)

OSF repository of an introductory one-day workshop presented by Clemens Stachl (, Ramona Schödel (,...

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Vintage Factor Analysis - Sind PCA + Varimax besser als ihr Ruf?

Vortrag über das Paper zur Vintage Factor Analysis von Rohe und Zheng (2020)

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Response Styles in Dichotomous Items - With a Focus on Extreme Response Style

Data, code, and slides for the talk of the same name at the DGPs 2018 conference in Frankfurt.

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Estimating the Performance of Predictive Models with Resampling Methods

Talk at the ZPID Kolloquium in Trier on the 16th of January 2019

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Reproduzierbares Schreiben von Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten mit Rmarkdown/papaja

Unterlagen für ein mehrtägiges Blockseminar, veranstaltet im SS19, WS19/20 für Psychologiestudierende der LMU.

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DGPS2018 - An Introduction to Machine Learning for Psychologists in R

This is the official OSF project for the DGPS2018 pre-conference workshop "An Introduction to Machine Learning for Psychologists in R"

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Crashkurs Predictive Modeling/Machine Learning - DPPD 2017

Materialien, Daten und Syntax für den DPPD 2017 Pre-Conference Workshop zur Prädiktiven Modellierung.

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DPPD2017 - Der Einfluss von Extremem Antwortstil auf die Kriteriumsvalidität von Fragebogenitems

Conference talk at the DPPD 2017 conference in Munich

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Doctoral Defense 2017 - Detection, Avoidance, and Compensation: Three Studies on Extreme Response Style

Presentation for my doctoral defense in 2017

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Quarto Workshop LMU OSC

This repository is just a mirror of our Quarto Workshop github repository.

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