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In Experiment 2, we replicated the results of Experiment 1. Again, we found that the actor of the first punch (Mark) was more to blame than the actor of the second punch (John) even after changing the order of the questions asking about the blame. We found no effects of grammatical aspect on judgments of blame. After these first two experiment, we started working on a more conceptual (Sherrill, Eerland, Zwaan & Magliano, 2015) and a large-scale direct replication of Hart and AlbarracĂ­n (2011, experiment 3, see Eerland et al., 2016). We learned that the effects of grammatical aspect are rather small and depend upon other linguistic influences, such as the order of mentioning events (Gernsbacher & Hargreaves, 1988; Gernsbacher, Hargreaves, & Beeman, 1989). In Experiment 3 we will explore possible order effects on blame judgments without manipulating grammatical aspect.
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