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**Paper Citation** Hudson A, Durston AJ, McCrackin SD, Itier RJ. Emotion, Gender and Gaze Discrimination Tasks do not Differentially Impact the Neural Processing of Angry or Happy Facial Expressions-a Mass Univariate ERP Analysis. Brain Topogr. 2021 Nov;34(6):813-833. doi: 10.1007/s10548-021-00873-x. Epub 2021 Oct 1. PMID: 34596796. **Data & Analysis** Analysis output are presented in this repository. ERP and set files are not available, as participants were not informed of their data being placed on a repository. Data was collected before the open science movement. ERP files were imported into Factorial Mass Univariate Toolbox (, and set files (with fdt files in the same folder) were imported into LIMO EEG ( If you are interested in replicating the study, comparing LIMO and FMUT, or have questions about the analysis, please feel free to contact Amie Durston ( **NOTES** - Unlike LIMO, where to view raw F-values you image them as such (alpha = 1 and no correction), FMUT does not have an option to see uncorrected results when running cluster-based tests. As per Eric Field's reccomendation, we ran an uncorrected false discovery rate (FDR) test to obtain such results. This is under the "raw 0-800" folder. If you wish to replicate our study or conduct a similar comparison, you will need to do the same.
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