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Welfare at a (Social) Distance /
Benefits conditionality in the UK: is it common, and is it perceived to be reasonable?
- Ben Baumberg Geiger
- Lisa Scullion
- Dan Edmiston
- Robert De Vries
- Kate Summers
- Jo Ingold
- David Young
- Lisa Scullion
- Daniel Edmiston
- Kate Summers
- Jo Ingold
- David Young
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Category: Uncategorized
Description: This contains the originally submitted Welfare at a (Social) Distance working paper on conditionality (and its appendices) - when the final paper is published, this will be replaced by a link to the final published version, alongside the underlying code that enables you to run all of the analyses in the paper, using the publicly available Welfare at a (Social) Distance data. To access the data and further details from the Welfare at a (Social) Distance project, click the hyperlink for 'Welfare at a (Social) Distance' at the top of this page (this page is a component of the wider OSF project).