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This page contains data and code accompanying the paper entitled "Similarity-based interference in sentence comprehension in aphasia: A computational evaluation of two models of cue-based retrieval" by Lissón et al. (2023). This is the content of the files: - The main file is "int_aphasia_modeling_Lissonetal2021.R" and contains all the necessary code to reproduce the results reported in the paper. - The Stan models are within the "models" folder, and the data are within the "data" folder. "pronoun_ET_modeling.csv" contains the data from the pronoun experiment, and "RC_ET_modeling.csv" contains the data from the relative clauses experiment. The "RM2_case_offline_data" file contains the data from Adelt et al. 2017 that is used in the "Adeltetal2017andPreglaetal2021accuracy.pdf" file. - The "PackagesInfo" file contains information about the R packages used. - The "crossvalidation" folder contains code to reproduce the cross-validation results reported in the paper. - The supplementary materials file contains plots showing the the recovery of the parameters in all of the models reported in the paper. - The file "Adeltetal2017andPreglaetal2021accuracy.Rmd" and "Adeltetal2017andPreglaetal2021accuracy.pdf" contain the Bayesian logistic analysis of a subset of the accuracy data from Adelt et al. (2017), and from Pregla et al. (2021). The goal of these analyses is to directly compare the results of both studies.
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