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Description: Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom. Supplementary material to the database. Study photographs of inscriptions in Theban Tomb TT 164 The database “Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom” (PNM) is developed as part of the projects “Umformung und Variabilität im Korpus altägyptischer Personennamen 2055–1550 v. Chr.” and “Altägyptische Titel in amtlichen und familiären Kontexten, 2055-1352 v. Chr.” at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The database includes data on Egyptian Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom personal names, people, written sources, titles, and dossiers of persons attested in various sources. The online version of the database is currently accessible under and the dataset is made available under Supplementary material collected during work on the database is made available online as an open digital archive associated with the database. It should not be considered as a publication of the respective archaeological structures and objects or their inscriptions. The photographs have been taken solely for the purpose of reading the inscriptions and are of a non-professional quality. The author would be happy if they could be of any help to colleagues preparing the publications of the respective archaeological structures and objects, and they are free to make any use of these open data (see below). The first batch of supplementary material for the database contains study photographs of inscriptions in ten 18th Dynasty Theban tombs, taken during a photographic survey conducted by Alexander Ilin-Tomich from 29 November to 4 December 2023. The following tombs were visited: TT 22, 62, 140, 164, 182, 204, 228, 231, 234, 239. This repository contains photographic documentation of tomb TT 164.
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