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Description: The primary purpose of this study is to examine trajectories of actual and perceived posttraumatic growth (PTG; i.e., positive personality change) following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic disaster in the U.S. The secondary purpose of this study is to examine predictors of psychological resilience after a pandemic disaster. Two months predisaster (December 2019), a sample of U.S. adults with a chronic health condition (N = 453) completed measures of positive traits (hope, grit, optimism, and resilience), religiousness/spirituality (religious commitment, fortitude, and coping), mental health (depression, anxiety, and psychological flourishing), personal suffering, and lifetime trauma exposure. At 2 months and 4 months postdisaster (April and June 2020), participants will complete these measures again, as well as measures of resource loss, perceived stress, social support, and perceived posttraumatic growth.

License: CC0 1.0 Universal

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Type: COVID-19
Status: Active


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