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The video clips uploaded in the Movies folder are the target videos used in the segmentation task. The text documents in the Lists folder contain filenames of still frames taken from source video (either target or foil) to be used to replicate the recognition task. The .pict files in the Pictures folder are the still frames from source videos that are used in the recognition task. Source videos are either target videos the participant has seen, or novel recordings of related everyday activities. The novel source videos are not uploaded, as only the still frames are needed to replicate the finding. The naming convention for the .pict files indicates where in the source footage the still is drawn from. The numbers in the filename correspond to minutes, seconds, and frame number respectively. For example, image t1o2_0-40-06.pict is drawn from the movie file t1o2.mp4 at the sixth frame at the 0m40s duration point.
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