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- Richard A. Klein
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Category: Project
Description: We conducted replications of 13 effects in psychological science with 36 samples and more than 6000 participants. We examined heterogeneity in replicability across sample and setting.
Many Labs 1:
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Access the full-size figure, data, preregistered protocol, and final manuscript in files. See also the erratum.
Erratum correcting the effect size for allowed/forbidden (among other issues) is published here.
Updated stats for ML.web.Supplement.pdf made on 10/19/2017 fixing incorrect numbers for Anchoring and Adjustment. Thanks to …
Files can now be accessed and managed under the Files tab.
Dataset and codebook from the project are available for download below, under "files". contains the data files in both .csv and .sav (SPS...
Replications of Important Results in Social Psychology: Special Issue of Social Psychology
Fifteen Registered Reports that had peer review prior to data collection
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