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Description: Intellectual giftedness is usually defined in terms of having a very high Intellectual Quotient (IQ). The intellectual capacity is assessed by a standardized test such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). However, the identification of intellectually gifted children (IGC) often remains time-consuming. A short-form WISC can be used as a screening instrument. The practitioners and researchers in this field can then make a more in-depth evaluation of the IGC’s cognitive and socioemotional characteristics if needed. The aim of our study is thus to determine the best short tests, in terms of their psychometric qualities, for the identification of IGC. The current study is composed of three-step analyses. Firstly, we created nine IQs short forms (IQSF) with 2-subtests, and nine IQSF with 4-subtests from the WISC-IV (Wechsler, 2005). Secondly, we estimated psychometric parameters (i.e., reliability and validity) from empirical and simulated dataset with WISC-IV. The difference in the estimation of psychometric qualities of each IQSF from the simulated data is very close to those derived from empirical data. We thus selected the three best IQSF based on these psychometrics parameters estimated from simulated datasets. For each selected short form of the WISC-IV, we estimated the screening quality in our sample of IGC. Thirdly, we created IQSF with 2- and 4-subtests from the WISC-V (Wechsler, 2016) with simulated dataset. We then highlighted the three best short forms of WISC-V based on the estimated psychometric parameters. The results are interpreted in terms of validity, reliability and screening quality of IGC. In spite of the important changes in the WISC-V, our findings show that the 2-subtest form, Similitaries + Matrix Reasoning, and 4-subtest form, Similitaries + Vocabulary + Matrix Reasoning + Block Design, are the most efficient to identify the IGC at the two recent versions of Wechsler scales. Finally, we discuss the advantages and drawbacks of a brief assessment of intellectual aptitudes for the identification of the IGC.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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brief assessmentgifted childrengiftednessintelligenceshort-formsimulation

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