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Flannery Dissertation Preregistration: The "Depressed" Gut-Brain Axis during Adolescence
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Category: Project
Description: "Gut Feelings: What the Gut-Brain Axis may reveal about Depressive Symptomatology during Adolescence." This is a preregistration of my dissertation. This is the product of an interdisciplinary collaboration and will bridge my training (across my respective mentors) in clinical, developmental neuroscience, and microbiology. As I enter new methodological and theoretical territory, this is meant to be a living document as I attempt live by example with an imperfect preregistration with complex methodology in a developmental sample. As I meet with my dissertation committee, I will update this document to reflect decisions and road blocks we hit with original analysis plans. I am using the fMRI preregistration template I previously made (as best I can with what I know)