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Affiliated institutions: University of Virginia, Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: Many Labs 5 will test pre-data collection peer review as an intervention improve replicability. We will investigate 10 replications from the Reproducibility Project: Psychology that were labeled as “not endorsed.” For each study, we will conduct two replications multiple times each: 1) a direct replication using the non-endorsed protocol from RP:P and 2) a replication using an improved protocol that was vetted through peer review. We will compare the replicability rate of peer reviewed protocols to that of non-endorsed protocols. See the Wiki, below, for the project proposal.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

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Type: Research
Status: Active


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Overarching paper (to be added)

Data and Analysis Scripts

Registration of the Data

Preregistration for overarching paper

Stage 1 Registered Report

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ML5 - Many Lab Front Page | Forked: 2016-03-29 17:20 UTC

See the Wiki, below, for information on this project and how to join.

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RP:P Pages for Replications

This page contains copies of the RP:P project pages for all replications in Many Labs 5. The projects are linked on the right side of this page.

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ML5: Replications of van Dijk (2008)

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ML5: Overarching Analyses

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Overarching Paper

This component contains the overarching manuscript for Many Labs 5, as well as supplemental materials.

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Many Labsmeta-analysisRegistered ReportreplicationReproducibility Project: Psychology

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